Happy Father’s Day!

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
Mary Elizabeth Frye

Father’s day is never easy for my kids. I do not know how that feels because I am still fortunate enough to have my dad. I just want my kids to know that their father is still here and with them. Rich changed my family’s history, and I could not be more grateful for having him as a father to our children. 


Take care of you and your loved ones, and be well! – Dr. Kime

Reader Feedback – Cancer is Kicking My Butt, but I’ve Got A Really Big Butt

 Fantastic and Realistic Book that has Healing Power

Reviewed in the United States on May 22, 2020

I have known this beautiful family since the 1990s’s when Richelle was my student at school and then I became her piano teacher. If you met this family you always felt included in their life. I have not seen them for way too long because they moved and I moved, but they are always in my heart and on my mind.

This book gives hope to those that have gone through, or are going through, something so life changing as cancer or loosing one to cancer.

Beautiful job, Shufei. I am so proud of all of you! Rich is looking down on all of you..
Until We Meet Again,

I cannot tell you how much these kind words mean to me, Marilee! Thank you all for all the support. Have a great weekend! Cancer is Kicking my Butt, but I’ve Got a Really Big Butt is on Amazon! Share it with someone who is going through something life changing.


Take care of you and your loved ones, and be well! – Dr. Kime

This Cancer Patient Talked About Acupuncture a Day Before his Death. Why?

Rich: I just want to know when the pain is going to stop. ‘Cause I’ve had pain for over a year and I just want to get rid of it. Jesus. Pardon my French.

Scott: Okay, well, let’s talk about that. When it comes to the bone pain, you know, your doctors are going to give you pain medication. But let’s talk about your neuropathy. Okay, now there are things that you could do that’s non-medical.

Rich: Okay.

Scott: Okay, now do you exercise a lot?

Rich: I do. I walk, um, my wife does PT on my feet, um, I take supplements, um, yeah, we try to do everything. Acupuncture’s a big thing. The acupuncture takes the pain right away.

-Excerpt from Cancer is Kicking my Butt, but I’ve Got a Really Big Butt

Thirty-nine months ago today, Rich took his last breath. I take so much comfort in knowing that acupuncture relieved his pain. I took some time to connect with him this past Memorial Day weekend – I visited him at the Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois, and then reflected during some self-care time while getting cuppingl Thank you Tara Anderson for the cupping! Tara also does acupuncture and muscle therapy and is so wonderful!

Take care of you and your loved ones, and be well. -Dr. Kime

Cancer is Kicking my Butt, but I’ve Got a Really Big Butt

A reader, Christopher, recently shared with me that they woke up in the middle of the night laughing about this passage in my book:

“Picture this. 1994 Spring, brand new parents bringing a three month old daughter to visit her grandparents in Taiwan. We woke up at 3 A.M. to catch the flight from St. Louis Airport. It was pitch black when we left our house and a two hour drive to the airport. Too many bags to carry and with baby Richelle. There was a 14 hour non-stop flight from Los Angeles to Taipei, Taiwan. We were 30,000 feet up in the air. Rich looked down at his feet and realized that he was wearing two different shoes since we left in such a rush. He laughed and I laughed. We both laughed hysterically.”

Rich used to be the class clown – everything he did was about fun and surprises. He is truly my ghost writer because without him, this book would not exist! Please share this with someone who could use a laugh!

You can find my book on Amazon.com by clicking here, and you can listen to the audio that inspired my writing by clicking here.

Take care of you and your loved ones, and be well. -Dr. Kime

Reader Feedback: Cancer is Kicking my Butt, but I’ve Got a Really Big Butt

Now that my first book has been out for a couple months, I wanted to start posting some reviews and feedback.

Thank you all for the support! Now that my book has been out for a couple of months, I wanted to start sharing some feedback I have received from readers. 

“This book perfectly captures how hard life feels after losing someone you love. Shufei and her family take you through their emotional journey of learning to cope after the loss of a husband and father to cancer. Shufei recounts her life with her husband, caring for him through his diagnosis, working and raising a family after his passing, and a phone call he recorded that she kept private for years. This book will transform the way you see events in your life. Nothing is coincidental – sometimes it just takes time for you to see the meaning behind what happens in your life.” -Kylie Wilson

Thank you all for the support! I truly believe that this book will help others navigate the many challenges we face in our lives – – anything from dealing with cancer to caring for a sick loved one to learning to live after the loss of your spouse. You can find Cancer is Kicking my Butt, but I’ve Got a Really Big Butt on Amazon.com by clicking here. You can also listen to Rich’s last phone call on my podcast, His Last Call, available on iTunes and Spotify, or by clicking here. We can sometimes get so caught up in the chaos of our lives that we forget to step back and see the bigger picture. Please share this book with someone who needs help seeing life’s meaning hidden in their everyday chaos!

Take care of you and your loved ones, and be well. -Dr. Kime

His Last Call

This phone call took place on February 26th, 2017 at 1:30 P.M. on a sunny and windy day in Cedar Falls, Iowa, with a call from Long Island, New York. The conversation was between Rich and Scott, who were both Multiple Myeloma cancer patients that connected through the Multiple Myeloma Cancer Society. They were paired together through similar work experiences; both were engineers and supervisors in sales and management. Rich recorded the phone call for me, his wife, Shufei, and it just so happened to be one of his last conversations.”

This is the phone call that inspired me to write my first book, “Cancer is Kicking my Butt, but I’ve Got a Really Big Butt.” The circumstances surrounding this phone call, as well as how it helped me through my grieving journey are fully explained in the book, but will be touched on during in later episodes of my podcast.

My book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Cancer-Kicking-Butt-but-Really/dp/B0863TWSGM/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=cancer+is+kicking+my+butt&qid=1588883167&sr=8-1

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Care for Caregivers

A special message for caregivers during the coronavirus pandemic.
-Dr. Shufei Kime, D.C., Acupuncture & Chiropractic Clinic of Iowa

My Acupuncture Experiences

I’m writing this an hour after the session, and I already feel my muscles relaxing. I feel rested, and like I just want to lay down and rest some more. Dr. Kime says that’s my parasympathetic system working, so it’s good to know my body is reacting. Now she’s currently telling me I should be glad we have needles, because when they first started doing acupuncture, they used fish bones and rocks. She knows just what to say to make me feel better!

I did a fourth treatment Friday, November 22nd. Our intern, Hannah, had never done acupuncture before. I warned her she better go first because when I feel a particular point, I tend to verbally react, with things like, “Ooh, felt that one.” “YIKES got me there.” “WOW OKAY THAT’S TENDER.” These reactions, of course, are laughed at  by Dr. Kime as she calls me a whiner (Well maybe I am, but good golly gosh sometimes I just got to react!).

I had my first acupuncture treatment in July 2019. Now, when I decided I was going to do it, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’d helped Dr. Kime all summer, and knew what the process looked like and how much people loved it, but me? Eh. I’d never been exposed to this type of healing and medicine, so I was skeptical. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe in its value, but I wasn’t sure that I’d even feel anything or notice a difference.

I also don’t think I get to say I’m afraid of needles. Like, I am, but it’s more about the thought of what it’s doing and that it’s penetrating my skin versus the actual needle itself. I wear eight earrings, I get tattoos, so it’s not the needle so much as the process.

That first day: I’m holy hecking nervous. I’d casually mentioned it to Dr. Kime earlier that week that I was interested in trying it, and we had free time that afternoon. I went into the treatment room and got settled on the table, and I knew that if she strapped the HSR microphone on and read my heart, it would have been racing. Apparently I was more nervous than I thought. Dr. Kime opened her needles, and I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable pain… That never came. Dr. Kime started laughing at me and said, “I told you so!” She continued to place needles based off what I told her was bothering me. Now, I felt a few, but it wasn’t a pain as much as a temporary discomfort. When I mentioned that, she explained it was because of the amount of energy my body had in that concentrated area, and I would feel the energy shift as I relaxed and rested. That was an interesting concept. I kept that thought in mind as I drifted in and out of sleep, and kept track of where I ‘felt’ the energy. For me, it was a small pulse where a needle was in a meridian point, and then a bit of a tingly sensation. After a minute or two it faded, and those feelings moved around my body and came and went. After that first session, I didn’t really think much about it until about a week later. I reflected on my sleep, my muscle tension, my energy levels, and noticed how much better and more relaxed I was. I didn’t really hit that afternoon slump, I was sleeping better, and my muscle tension was much more reduced.

I did acupuncture again in September and had a similar experience to the first. That time, I noticed a difference sooner with my sleep and fatigue. I was sleeping more soundly, for longer periods of time. My shoulder muscles were relaxed. My lower back didn’t hurt. Maybe, just maybe, this energy-rebalancing idea is real.

Okay. Now in October I did it a third time. And WOW, I felt so many of those needles. Anyone walking by the treatment room would have thought I was being tortured. Dr. Kime just laughed at me and told me “Think how much better you’ll be when you’re done!” She was right, of course. Again, when I say I felt them, they were temporarily uncomfortable as my body reacted because of the pent up energy in those areas. We discussed the points I felt: my shoulders, where I carry stress and tension; fatigue, because I was exhausted and not sleeping well; my stomach and lungs, because I was fighting infection; anxiety, because I was in the middle of several big projects and adjustments. She added extra points to help my body rebalance. As she worked and my body adjusted I immediately felt myself relax, almost like a sigh, saying “Thanks, Robin. We needed this.” I noticed changes right away, too. My muscles relaxed so much after that session, I was sore for the next three days. I was awake, alert, and ready to go.

Needless (get it?) to say, I’m hooked. I’m a believer. It’s a half hour of R&R that allows my body to simply be, in a warm, quiet room with calming music and waves. I never thought I’d be on board with it, but I can’t deny the results I see in myself and other patients who come in. To me, it’s worth it for aide with stress, fatigue, and anxiety. It rebalances my energy and body and helps me prepare for the week’s adventures and work. I feel recharged, and reconnected to myself. Don’t let these pictures fool you, I’ve enjoyed each session I’ve had. And I definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn’t tried it. What’s the harm?

-Robin Kime, Acupuncture and Chiropractic Clinic of Iowa

My First Experience with Acupuncture

Never having acupuncture done before, my thoughts on it were that I knew it involves a lot of needles and that people said it is really relaxing. With that being said, the time leading up to when Dr. Kime would do it to me, I was very anxious. I was excited to know what it felt like and how I would feel afterwards, but I was nervous about the needles hurting when she put them in. As it turns out, I had nothing to worry about. It exceeded all of my expectations.

The first needle that she put in was in my ear. I felt it, but it didn’t hurt the way that I thought it would. She continued to put the needles in throughout my whole body and I could barely feel it when she did. The two spots that I felt the most were in my right lower leg and my left hand. After a while, I could no longer feel anything in either of the spots because a wave of relaxing and calming sensation took over my body.

Throughout the whole experience, I felt very relaxed. It was almost like a euphoric feeling. My arms is where I felt it the most. My wrists would tingle from time to time, but that was mostly due to me laughing because I could hear my co-worker, Robin, in the room next to me squealing while Dr. Kime was putting the needles in her.

Dr. Kime let me lay there with the needles in for around 30 minutes and I tried to rest the entire time. I was too nervous to fall asleep because I didn’t want to accidentally roll over on the needles, so I simply rested my eyes. After the 30 minutes were up, she came in to take the needles out. This part was much less painful. It didn’t take her long to take them all out and I couldn’t feel a thing while she was doing it. I stretched for a bit once they were all out, and I truly feel more calm and less stressed.

Overall, it made my body feel much better and a lot less tense. It wasn’t what I expected, but I am very happy with how it went and I would love to do it again. I would recommend this to anyone who is in pain or just for anyone who has never tried it before! It is such a good experience and such a good feeling, especially when you are in a calm and comfortable environment!

-Hannah Williams, Acupuncture and Chiropractic Clinic of Iowa

“I Notice Results Right Away.” Loyal Patient Talks About Personal Experience

When interviewing long-time patient, Glen Martin, he couldn’t speak more highly of Dr. Kime and how much her adjustments and acupuncture has helped him significantly.

Martin found Dr. Kime through the supplements that she supplies for all of her patients, Standard Process. Standard Process is a whole food supplement company from the Wisconsin area. It supports whole body health and is specific to each patient. Each supplement supports different organs and functions of the human body with amazing results.

When Martin first started coming to Dr. Kime, he was only having adjustments done once a month. Due to work stress, worsening migraines, and allergies, Dr. Kime recommended that he try acupuncture to relieve his pain. After doing so, he noticed results right away and has been getting acupuncture done weekly ever since.

Normally, patients go into a special room that is dedicated to acupuncture care, but Martin prefers laying on Dr. Kime’s hydrotherapy table while the needles are in. He claims that it helps loosen him up and relaxes him after a long day at work. His soul purpose for his weekly returning visits is to get rid of his straining migraines and help with his allergies.

Martin then continues to explain his typical acupuncture experience with Dr. Kime. He says that once she puts the needles in, he can tell the places in which they are helping. He then tells her where the pain moved to so she can place the needles in correspondence of that. After the fifteen minutes are up, he can tell that it has helped and his migraine is gone.

When asking Martin why he would recommend more people get acupuncture done, he said because it quickly helps relieve pain and eliminates the need of medication.

We here, at ACCOI, are pleased and proud to be part of Martin’s wellness journey.

-Hannah Williams, Acupuncture & Chiropractic Clinic of Iowa